
South Korean entertainment explosive scandal

Western model offered by South Korean star raped by entertainment ReheaterTubes Explosion video sex scandal

A South Korean advertising Western model offered by actor accused of sexual assault, South Korean media last reported a 32-year-old alleged a single male actor named Kim, South Korea leads users by name, "prisoners" who have and Ny, Jinnan Zhu Jin Yi cooperation.
Taiwan, "Apple Daily" sources said yesterday South Korea are the major news networks reported that Kim named one name actor arrested on suspicion of rape ad 5 Western model offered at home, and in the process of cell phone camera, Western model offered after the alarm, police protection based on case the provisions of invasion of the victim, did not announce the names of suspected actor.
Actor to accept questioning that I wish you love

According to reports, the suspect received the day before yesterday in Seoul Yongsan police station questioning, insisted that the two sides are in your situation I would like to have relations under, video has to seek the consent of the other.
Britain over the past Hanxing Xuan, Li Yuan had one rape case in a social news star, according to news reports yesterday in South Korea's netizens clues to ferret who is in the interests of the suspect blog named Kim, and put pictures of him and the Western model offered.
Jin Yi in Korean, "a good wife Queen" played by Wu Zhihao colleagues, in the "Please Miss" in the play Ny boyfriend's best friend, though not one line, but the handsome appearance is attracting much attention.

Source: China News Net
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